Wednesday 11 June 2008

iPhone: The second coming

There's only a few brands I would consider myself an advocate for. Apple is one of them. If Apple designed kitchens, mine would have Air work surfaces constructed from 0.76 inches of sleek, sturdy anodized aluminum. My oven door would have the Apple logo embossed at its centre. And even my kettle lead would be the classic white design of the iPod headphones.

It's for this reason, I've been avoiding calls from my Orange network dealer, informing me that my phone contract needs renewing. I've been waiting for the second coming. I know where my nearest O2 dealership is and i've even been following the online rumour mills that have speculated on design and possible features. I am, of course, talking about the second generation iPhone.

For anyone that missed the hype surrounding Steve Jobs' announcement this week, let me bring you up to speed - it's here (almost). And it's affordable (in the UK) - twice as fast at half the price. Available in 22 countries on July 11, these are the basic relevant features for your average user:

3G Network compatibility (speedy internet)
Extended battery life based on previous iPhone.
Now comes in black and white.
More memory. (8GB & 16GB)
Flush headphone jack (No more headphone adaptors)
Full GPS (never get lost again…ever.)
See you at the Apple store, Regent's Street, one month from today.

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